
Make your own matador

Six-inch howitzers towed by AEC Matador artillery tractors of...

New addition to museum fleet

The Armourgeddon museum in Husbands Bosworth, Leicestershire,...

Echoes of War Deception Tactics

An inflatable dummy tank, modelled after the M4 Sherman photo...

Wehrmachtabilia demand grows

Nigel Hay’s round-up of what’s hot in the market at the moment...

Bid of £5,000 secures ride in Tiger Tank

A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to take a ride in a World War...

The pride of Belgian Armour

Additional vehicles and guns are displayed outdoors such as this...

Regulars Premium

Museum wins award

The Royal Engineers Museum in Kent has received VisitEngland’s...

New Books On the Shelf

Haynes T-34 manual Although a UK release date for...

Collecting ‘Dig for Victory’ Memorabilia

Britain’s gardens attained a whole new significance during...

Rare Japanese Armour Scheduled for Tankfest Debut

Oliver Barnham’s restored Type 95 Ha-Gò. (COURTESY OF THE...