The Russian Aerospace Forces are preparing to receive their first examples of the new Mi-28UB — a combat training helicopter based on the now familiar Night Hunter gunship.

The initial prototype Mi-28UBs were produced through the conversion of existing Mi-28N airframes.
Russian Helicopters/ Erik Romanenk report: Babak Taghvaee

IN OCTOBER THE Russian Ministry of Defense announced that its first Mi-28UBs were ready for delivery at the Rostvertol aviation plant in Rostov-on-Don. This batch represents the first of an initial 24 examples on order. The Mi-28UB has been designed to reduce the risk involved in Mi-28N pilot training and to improve overall efficiency. Within the next three years, the Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS) could have as many as 48 Mi-28UBs in service at six Army Aviation bases. The aircraft will not only train Mi-28N and Mi-28NM pilots but will also be used in combat if required.


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