Tiger tamers

No 2 Operational Conversion Unit, RAAF

Under the motto Juventus Non Sine Pinnis – The Young Shall Have Wings – No 2 Operational Conversion Unit trains future fighter pilots for the Royal Australian Air Force. Phil Buckley visited RAAF Base Williamtown, New South Wales to find out more.

Established in 1942 as No 2 (Fighter) Operational Training Unit based at Port Pirie, South Australia, the unit is today led by Wing Commander (WGCDR) Scott Woodland, who outlined the OCU’s role: “We support the preparation for and the conduct of effective airspace control, counterair strike and combat air support operations through the provision of trained personnel.”

Woodland’s background has given him exposure to many elements of RAAF operations. He started his air force career in 1986 and progressed to the F/A- 18 community via a No 2 OCU course – No 5 OPCON – two years later.

He served with No 77 Squadron from 1989 until 1992, when he became a Fighter Combat Instructor (FCI) and further developed his skills at No 2 OCU until 1995. He then spent 12 years flying overseas. He returned to the RAAF in 2008 as an instructor at No 76 Squadron, before coming back to the OCU. Another posting to No 77 Squadron followed and aft…

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