Searching the Sahara

Looking for lost LRDG patrol vehicles

On January 18, 1943, a combined patrol of the LRDG and Popski’s Private Army set off from Libya to conduct reconnaissance activities for Montgomery’s proposed ‘left hook’ around the formidable Mareth Line defences in south-east Tunisia. The LRDG element was under command of Lt Ron Tinker and the PPE under Maj Vladimir Peniakoff, also known as ‘Popski.’

The patrol of 11 vehicles including Jeeps, LRDG Chevrolets and a three-tonne supply truck crossed into Tunisia and established a hide at the base of a hill known as Qaret Ali on the edges of the Grand Erg Orientale sand sea.

Four Jeeps, led by Tinker and Popski, then set off to scout the German defences near Matmata. Unfortunately, the seven trucks and their crews waiting in the hide were discovered by the Luftwaffe and the vehicles strafed and heavily damaged.

‘We skirted the massive dunes of the Grand Erg which Tinker and Popski had determined were impassable’

The crews set demolition charges on the trucks and set off on foot to link up with the returning Popski and march with their wounded 200 miles northwest towards Tozeur and the American First Army.

So, what happened to the abandoned vehicles? Research into that …

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