A Rare Beast

Classic military vehicle enthusiasts Dale Haigh and Dave Jeffryes have amassed a fleet of vehicles including this rare Saracen 6x6 Command Post FV610. Vicky Turner finds out more

Heywood Tanks does not operate as a business. Instead, Dale Haigh, the man in charge, earns a living trading in granite and marble for worktops, while Dave Jeffryes has worked for him for around 15 years. Together, they have a long-standing interest in military vehicles. It started when they helped a friend get his collection going, but when the mate sold his vehicles, Dale and Dave decided to get their own. Of course, it did not stop at one and they now run a fleet of vehicles. At last count, they were up to nine including the Command Post Saracen pictured here.

Initially, the idea was to buy a vehicle to restore and sell on. A Saracen was not on the shopping list as Dale had originally gone to look at anFV434 Armoured Repair Vehicle and by chance saw the Saracen at the same place. So, as you do, he ended up buying four vehicles on the same day from the same vendor: the FV434, the Saracen and two FV 432s. 

“I must have been feeling flush that day,” he said laughing. So began the collection of which he now says “we have too …

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