NEWS United Kingdom

RAF Typhoons on patrol in Iceland

RAF TYPHOON FGR4s from No 1 (Fighter) Squadron from RAF Lossiemouth in Scotland arrived in Iceland on November 13 as the UK’s contribution to NATO’s Icelandic Air Policing mission. The jets spent a month stationed at Keflavik Air Base to protect Icelandic airspace before returning home in mid-December.

This was the first time in more than ten years that RAF aircraft had been deployed to Iceland and the first time that the RAF conducted the Icelandic Air Policing mission. The mission was launched in 2008 and is conducted by a rotation of NATO allies.

The detachment of just over 100 personnel was commanded by Wg Cdr Mark Baker who said: “We are very excited to be here and are looking forward to starting flying operations. We have come here at the request of the Icelandic government to provide a capable force designed to offer reassurance and police the country’s airspace.”

AVM Harv Smyth, the air officer commanding No 1 Group RAF, added: “I am proud to see RAF Typhoon fighters deploying once more to support and defend one of our allies as part of our ongoing commitment to NATO. This deployment is primarily designed to offer reassurance to our friends, nevertheless, I am …

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