Land Roving Specialists

Ex-military vehicles often make for good camper conversions, writes Kate Russell. One couple from West Yorkshire has even turned the concept into a thriving business

With the Covid-19 pandemic impacting on the way we travel, more people than ever have opted for a ‘holiday on wheels’. There are numerous benefits to motorhomes and camper vans, the most notable being that they are self-sufficient, thereby reducing the need to come into contact with others.

While there’s a range of military vehicles that make for suitable conversions, this is naturally not an option that will appeal to everyone. So, before you fork out thousands on a vehicle you may only use once, why not give it a try by hiring an ex-military camper first.

Mark and Claire Norcliffe, who live in a windswept corner of West Yorkshire and run Overland Campers, hire out Land Rover Pulse ambulances and 110s decked out as self-sufficient, go-anywhere camper vans.

They have now almost finished their seventh, each one a labour of love with its own individual personality and style.

Mark and Claire also run a specialist timber frame design company and during the building recession of 2008 their work dried up almost overnight. Foreign holidays made wa…

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