Grinding through the gears

The Gamer

Having played through War Thunder’s lineup of tanks from most of the major powers of the past and one of the most relevant from now, I decided to work my way towards unlocking self-propelled guns.

Lacking turrets they would need a different style of play compared with the light tanks I had experienced. I had only managed to unlock one before now, the Italian Carro Veloce 33 or L3/33, a tankette armed with a small 20mm antitank rifle.

Designed and built in 1933 and based on the imported British Carden Loyd tankette, it would see service in the Italian army throughout World War Two with more than 1,200 being built.

While this tank would see action across the world during the war, in War Thunder I only managed to use them in terrain akin to the mountains of the Italian peninsula.

Here it showed the advantage of its design as I was able to camp on a hilltop overlooking a key battlefield area and light up any armoured vehicle which entered my sights.

This strategy allowed me to get a lot of hits, however, its weaker cannon only managed to get kills sparingly, and its design meant if I was outflanked it was far more difficult to adjust to counter this threat.

To balance this gameplay, I decided …

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