France boosts defence spending

A DRAFT of the French Loi de Programmation Militaire (LPM, Military Planning Act), covering the period 2019-2025 was presented to the Council of Ministers for consideration on February 8. This includes a proposal for a major increase in defence spending. Total expenditure over the period is scheduled to be €295bn, of which €198bn has been budgeted for during the present fiveyear government term between 2019 and 2023. With a general election due in 2023, spending beyond that date may be subject to change. It will be considered over several months but is expected to be passed by parliament in the summer.

The LPM provides for the delivery of 28 newbuild Rafales to the Armée de l’Air (French Air Force) between 2022 and 2024, while 30 more of the type will be ordered in 2023 for delivery by 2030. Efforts to further improve the Rafale’s capabilities will include developing the F4 standard, work on which is due to be launched this year. A mid-life upgrade of the ASMPA missile will also be carried out.

Additionally, the air force will benefit from the delivery of 55 refurbished and upgraded Mirage 2000Ds. New laser designation pods will also be handed over before 2023. Handover of A330 MRTT aircraft will be …

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