Field Post


'Britain at War' Magazine, PO Box 100, Stamford, Lincolnshire, PE9 1XQ



Lost Dublin airman’s siblings sought

On the afternoon of May 7, 1940, Bristol Beaufort L4472, 22 Squadron, RAF, crashed into the North Sea off Ameland, the Netherlands.

How the Beaufort was brought down is disputed, flak batteries in the Frisian Isles may have been responsible, but a German pilot, Herbert Kaiser, then of Trägergruppe 186, also claimed a victory.

All four on the Beaufort were killed and one of the men still missing is its air gunner, Myles Joseph Delahunty.

Born in Dublin on February 7, 1920 his parents, Michael Delahunty and Kathleen Molloy McDonnell, lived on 116 Main Street, Bray, County Wicklow, during the 1940s, and owned a public house, The Anchor Tavern. Myles had at least one brother, James Anthony Delahunty, born in 1918.

The Bray Cualann History Society welcomes any information readers can provide about Myles Delahunty or his family, including whether he had other siblings and if any of his relatives are still living.

Those who believe they have information are encouraged to email: or:

More information: Britain at War’s Andrew Thomas provides further details of the loss: “Beaufort L4472/OA-G was flown by 27-year-old Flying Officer Stuart Woollatt with Flying Officer David Lusk as navigator, wireless operator AC1 Sidney Mills and air gunner AC2 Myles Delahunty. “They took off from North Coates, Lincolnshire, at 2.52pm on May 7, part of a formation of six led by Wing Commander HM Mellor. The target was a German light cruiser reported off the East Frisian island of Norderney. One aircraft returned early with engine trouble, but the others continued and were detected by German ‘Freya’ radar and six Bf 109Es of II( J)/TrGr 186 were scrambled.

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