European maritime patrol aircraft

Fleet Survey European MPAs Part 4

Baltic Bryzas


The Marynarka Wojenna (Polish Navy) currently uses one type of fixedwing maritime patrol aircraft (MPA) – the An-28/M28 Bryza – in three sub-variants that differ in equipment and designated role. All are grouped within the Brygada Lotnictwa Marynarki Wojennej (BLMW, Naval Aviation Brigade) which also operates transport aircraft, anti-submarine warfare (ASW) helicopters, maritime search and rescue (SAR) helicopters and ship-based rotorcraft that are deployed on board Poland’s Oliver Hazard Perry-class guided-missile frigates.

The BLMW’s fixed-wing aviation component consists of four types of aircraft: seven An-28B1R (M28 Bryza) MPAs, one An-28B1RM BIS (Bryza Bis) MPA, two An-28E ecological monitoring aircraft and four An-28TD standard transports. There are also six types of helicopter in its inventory: six W-3RM Anakonda, two W-3WA and two Mi-14PŁ/R maritime SAR helicopters plus four SH-2G and eight Mi-14PŁ ASW helicopters. Four Mi-2s serve for training, transport and liaison duties.

The fixed-wing MPAs come under the command of the 44. Baza Lotnictwa Morskiego (44. BLM, 44th Maritime Aviation Base) and the aircraft are stationed at Siemirowice. Here…

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