The eighth edition of ‘Cruzex’ brought together a typically special line-up of participants at Natal, as Brazil hosted one of the most eagerly awaited military aviation exercises of the year.

IT’S THE PREMIER Latin American large force employment exercise — ‘Cruzex’ is one of the biggest gatherings of exotic air power in the world. Since 2002, the Brazilian Air Force (Força Aerea Brasileira, FAB) has hosted ‘Cruzex’, the premier aerial warfare training event in the region, and one that continues to attract a growing list of participants. The first edition was held at Canoas Air Base, in the south of Brazil, with the seven subsequent events being held at Natal, the home of Ala 10.

The broad exercise format includes two main mission scenarios, the first being conventional warfare. This involves a coalition force attacking a supposed enemy including radar installations and anti-aircraft positions, as well as strategic targets, with fighters providing top cover and escort. The second element was non-conventional operations, with the significant participation of special forces. This reflected a growing threat in Latin America, where countries such as Colombia and Peru face guerr…

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