Coalition effort


Australia originally limited itself to operations over Iraq under a clear mandate from the Iraqi Government. Eight F/A-18F Super Hornets from Nos 1 and 6 Squadrons, a KC-30A tanker transport from No 33 Squadron and an E-7A Wedgetail AEW&C platform from No 2 Squadron began operating from Minhad, UAE, as part of Operation Okra from September 29, 2014.

The Super Hornets flew their first armed mission on the night of October 5-6. On the 9th, the RAAF attacked its first target in Iraq, dropping two bombs from an F/A-18F on an “IS facility”.

The Australians expanded their operations to cover Syria on September 11-12, 2015. The first mission flown by the Air Task Group (ATG) involved two F/A-18As supported by a Wedgetail. Conducted over eastern Syria, it “provided on-call interdiction and dynamic targeting support as part of the international coalition’s efforts against the insurgents of the so-called Islamic State”.

According to the ATG commander at the time, Air Cdre Stu Bellingham, “the Hornets were prepared for any short-notice high-priority tasking which could include surveillance and weapons release”. On this occasion, no weapons were released.


Six Belgian F-16AMs left Florennes AB o…

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