Chariots of fire

This year’s Iniohos exercise featured an increased number of participants drawn from four air arms. Amit Agronov reports from Greece.


Iniohos 2017

INIOHOS IS a medium-scale international exercise organised by the Hellenic Air Force (HAF, Eliniki Polemiki Aeroporia) and comprises complex air operations across the geographical area within the Athens Flight Information Region (FIR). The latest exercise took place between March 27 and April 6. Iniohos (meaning ‘charioteer’ in Greek) was launched in the late 1980s and initially involved only HAF squadrons, however it was enlarged to encompass the entire Hellenic Armed Forces in 2005. In November 2013 it became an international event and the single-base concept was adopted. It has subsequently been hosted by 117 Pterix Mahis (117th Combat Wing) at Andravida on the Greek mainland.

The HAF fielded six squadrons of F-16s, comprising Block 50 aircraft (341 and 347 Mira from Nea Anchialos) and Block 52+ (340 and 343 Mira from Soúda, Crete, and 335 and 336 Mira from Araxos), F-4Es from the local 338 and 339 Mira, and Mirage 2000-5EGs from 331 Mira at Tanagra. The Hellenic Army and Navy also took part in the manoeuvres. The Israeli Air Force (IAF) p…

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