Asia’s enigmatic Frogfoots


I have some doubts about Turkmenistan’s current Su-25 unit(s) – see Former Soviet states part two, March, p76-79. A few years ago, there were two Turkmen units operating the Su-25 – the 67th Mixed Aviation Regiment at Mary-1 and the 107th Fighter Aviation Regiment at Ak-Tepe (Ashkhabad). Google Earth confirms both locations still have plenty of Su-25s – some of which were clearly active as of last year (the Ak-Tepe satellite imagery is from October 2018, that for Mary-1 is from July). There are also additional Su-25s at Mary-2, but these are likely assigned to the local storage base, which could actually be the unit noted as the ‘current operator’ in the accompanying table. The sources of the aircraft are as noted: ex-Soviet aircraft inherited at the 56th Aircraft Storage Base at Kyzyl Arvat, plus newly built examples purchased later from Georgia.

The number of Su-25s received by Uzbekistan is unclear. Plenty of aircraft passed in and out of the country – the original, older examples went to Kyzyl-Arvat in Turkmenistan for storage, some of the newer jets went to Afghanistan as attrition replacements, etc.

Uzbekistan certainly inherited some of the newest single-seat Su-25s in the then USSR, so…

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