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Operating under the motto ‘Semper ad alta’ – ‘Always higher’ – the French Army’s 3rd Combat Helicopter Regiment has its home in the far northeast of France. But as Oliver Jonischkeit discovers, half its crews are normally deployed on missions around the globe.

ALAT 3rd Combat Helicopter Regiment

Established in August 1977, the 3e Régiment d’Hélicoptères de Combat (3e RHC, 3rd Combat Helicopter Regiment) of the Aviation Légère de l’Armée de Terre (ALAT, French Army Aviation) today flies SA330B Puma and SA342M1/Ma Gazelle helicopters from Étain-Rouvres air base.

The 1,235-acre (500-hectare) airfield, close to the historic city of Verdun on the Lorraine Plateau, is formally named Base Lieutenant Étienne Mantoux.

Around 800 people and 50 helicopters constitute the 3e RHC, which has three battalions, all sharing the same basic mission – supporting troops on the ground.

Alongside the Puma and Gazelle battalions, the third unit operates in the support role. If required, all three work together to maximise capability. Typically, the Gazelle will fly close

escort missions for the Puma transports, which bring troops to the landing zone. “Once we go abroad – especially when we’re in Mali – we’ll be working with all…

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